Poems by Phillip Larrea
June 5, 2013
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Phillip Larrea

Phillip Larrea is a syndicated columnist, and has been a widely published poet in the U.S., U.K. and Europe. His chapbook, Our Patch (Writing Knights Press), was released January 2013. Phillip’s full-length poetry collection, We the
People (Cold River Press), released April, 2013.
People (Cold River Press), released April, 2013.
So I Wound Up in Jail Instead
I envisioned a great career before me
In the service of our government.
I would grunt through difficult years
Muddling along in Petty Theft
Until my big break into Felony Grand Larceny-
Rising ultimately to Secretary of Extortion.
I would organize international murders.
Have my picture taken shaking hands with the President.
Alas, I did not pass the civil service psych eval.
They thought I was crazy I guess…
Tell-Tale Spot
Spot of red
On the neck
Clean white shirt
Pressed stiff crisp
Perfect fit
That blood drop
Was all that
I could see.
Love Poem
A poem about writing a love poem.
It will be as painful as It can be.
A tablespoon of tears, a cup
Full of moon, naturally, which-
(Somewhere on a jukebox a singer sings a song about the lonely life of a singer on the road singing songs to a packed concert hall about the lonely life of a singer singing songs on the road somewhere…)
Elicits polite titters from the critics.
Later, one lover will say to the other,
“I HATED that!”
That, then, is something like love, is it not?
I envisioned a great career before me
In the service of our government.
I would grunt through difficult years
Muddling along in Petty Theft
Until my big break into Felony Grand Larceny-
Rising ultimately to Secretary of Extortion.
I would organize international murders.
Have my picture taken shaking hands with the President.
Alas, I did not pass the civil service psych eval.
They thought I was crazy I guess…
Tell-Tale Spot
Spot of red
On the neck
Clean white shirt
Pressed stiff crisp
Perfect fit
That blood drop
Was all that
I could see.
Love Poem
A poem about writing a love poem.
It will be as painful as It can be.
A tablespoon of tears, a cup
Full of moon, naturally, which-
(Somewhere on a jukebox a singer sings a song about the lonely life of a singer on the road singing songs to a packed concert hall about the lonely life of a singer singing songs on the road somewhere…)
Elicits polite titters from the critics.
Later, one lover will say to the other,
“I HATED that!”
That, then, is something like love, is it not?